justice: giving each person what is deserved.
Not a word I would typically associate with Advent. Lent, maybe, since during that Church Season we witness the world’s greatest INjustice.
But, the definition above is not negative. Someone getting what they deserve does not mean it is all bad. Someone may deserve good things and when they receive it, it is justice.
In fact, justice is sort of the opposite of grace. Grace is a covering of all actions because we are loved, not because our actions have earned what we are receiving. The coming of Jesus did not bring us Justice. His coming was not the Herald of Justice to come. Instead, it brought us a hope of salvation through the redemption that Jesus would offer during His ministry, death, and resurrection.
The little baby in the manger showed us that it was Grace that would save us and NOT justice.
And, because our Advent season is centered around waiting, being expectant of the great joy that God will soon share with the world is part of that Grace. The Hope of eternal life, brought through the eyes of a sweet little baby Jesus.
My prayer is that we are able to acknowledge and understand that when Jesus came to earth on that Christmas Eve night, He gave up justice. He gave up what he deserved as the Son of God, as He became the Son of Man.
Our Redeemer.
Our Savior.
What are you waiting for? Return to your God! Commit yourself in love, in justice! Wait for your God, and don’t give up on him—ever! ~ Hosea 12:6 (the Message) LoriAnn Lavallee #justice #adventword