ST. LUKE’S 101
Are you new to St. Luke's or do you know someone who is? Are you worshiping with us online and curious to know more? Join Barbara Frazell on an informal Zoom call to discover our history, our worship, our community, and our campus!
If you are new to St. Luke’s or just visiting and want to learn more about membership, then contact Barbara to set up a Zoom call below! Learn about our many ministries, opportunities for involvement, and the exciting future of our parish.
At St. Luke’s, you'll be welcomed like family into a friendly, casual environment by people who are excited to see you. We want you to have an idea of what to expect when you arrive; all you have to do from here is come as you are and find out more for yourself!
On most Sundays, we have two services: 8:00 AM and 10:15 AM. Go here for this Sunday’s schedule.
At 9:00 AM we have formation - Christian Education, aka Sunday School - for all ages. (The formation schedule varies a bit in the summer, so please check here).
Each service lasts about an hour and ten minutes.
Casual dress or “Sunday best”, either is fine!
You’ll hear engaging messages based on the Bible.
Communion is offered at each service.
Welcome to the Nursery Ministry at St. Luke’s on the Lake!
Open Sundays during the 9:00 AM Sunday School hour and 10:15 AM service
Nursery Sunday School 9:00 AM - 10:00 AM
where every child learns about God with the help of a Sunday School teacher.
We ensure that the nursery facilities and care offered at St. Luke’s on the Lake are of the highest quality. We pledge our personal support to provide a safe, healthy, and nurturing experience for all God's precious children. Our mission, however, does not stop there. We not only provide your children with excellent care, but also share the love of Jesus Christ with them and teach them to do the same with others.
Childcare in the Nursery is also available during other events at the church. Please inquire at the church office regarding childcare reservations for events held outside of regular Sunday services.
Assuring Health, Safety, & Well-being
We want you to be able to engage fully in your own worship experience. We know that in order to do that, you must have peace of mind that your children are in good hands. Not only are they in good hands, but in God’s hands!
To keep the children secure, we have a security tag system in place. Parents fill out a sticky tag, place it on their child’s back, and keep the matching stub for pickup. The stub is required for pickup for all children. If the stub gets lost, we may ask for your driver’s license for identification.
In addition to the security tags, we also follow all of the Safeguarding God’s Children guidelines. These guidelines are in each nursery room. One of the most important guidelines is that there are always two adults with your child at all times.
Not only do we want you to feel confident with our nursery program, but we want your child to feel welcomed and comfortable as well. To encourage this, we have a core group of caregivers that your child will see on a weekly basis. These caregivers will quickly come to know your child and the best ways to relate to him/her. In addition, your child will see the same friends every week. We group children by their eventual school class year. Generally, we use the same September 1st rule followed by the school districts. Although we strive to choose the room most appropriate for your child, please let us know if you have any concerns about his/her placement.
Nursery schedules and activities for Sunday mornings are posted in all rooms, with the exception of the Infant room. Please let the caregivers know your child’s eating and sleeping schedules so that we can accommodate him/her accordingly. If you have any special requests or important notes for your child in ANY class, please notify a caregiver in your child’s room. He/She will note it on the white board in the room so that any caregiver will be privy to the important information. If your child has an ALLERGY, MEDICAL ALERT, and/or is POTTY TRAINING, please put a respective sticker (located in the bin outside the classroom) on your child’s back next to the security tag.
If your child is visibly upset and the nursery caregivers cannot calm him/her down, we will notify you after 15 minutes have passed. You can either stay with your child for the duration of the service, or take him/her with you to church.
To keep the nursery and the children in it as healthy as possible, we go to great lengths to keep toys, changing tables, toileting areas, and tables as clean as possible. Diapers are checked frequently and changed as needed. In addition, all of our staff is CPR/First Aid certified and we have fire escape plans for each classroom.
We want all kids to remain healthy, so if your child has any of the following, please keep him/her at home.
Fever above 99 degrees within the last 24 hours
Diarrhea or vomiting
Green or yellow nasal discharge
Sore or inflamed throat
Unexplained rash
Guidance & Discipline
Not only do we want to help children grow in their social and emotional development, but their spiritual as well. Thus, the foundation for all guidance and discipline is to help children learn to love God and their neighbor. From this foundation stems the practical discipline that we use in the classrooms. Instructions and guidance are worded positively and children are redirected away from undesirable behaviors. Children are guided, reminded and encouraged to choose Godly behaviors. If specific negative behaviors frequently occur, caregivers, parents, and nursery staff can come together to formulate helpful measures that will ensure a child’s success in the classroom.
We need your support!
In order to be successful, we need your help. Please:
Label all of your child’s belongings.
Bring alternative snacks for you child, if needed.
Provide all diapers, sippy cups, formula, etc., that your child will need during his/her time with us.
Always use a security tag
Volunteer in the Nursery when you can.
If you are not a volunteer, please sign up by contacting our Nursery Coordinator here
Let us know if you have any comments or questions.
Our Nursery Coordinator,
Ayesha Cox
Robyn Stanley, Godly Play Teacher
Baptism at St. Luke's On The Lake
In the Episcopal Church, you are considered a Christian and a member of the worldwide Body of Christ
if you have been baptized in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.
If you (or a member of your family) would like to be baptized, please call the church and speak with a member of the clergy.
If you wish to be confirmed, reaffirmed, received, or to request the transfer of your letter here from another parish, please contact the church office,
512-266-2455, 9:00 AM - 4:00 PM, Monday through Thursday, or here.
Baptismal instruction and celebrations occur around four major feast days each year:
First Sunday after Epiphany (early January)
Easter Vigil (Easter Sunday; April)
Pentecost (June)
All Saints Day (November)
If these dates don't work for you, please contact our clergy here.
Confirmation at St. Luke's On The Lake
If you wish to be confirmed, reaffirmed, received, or to request the transfer of your letter here from another parish,
please contact the church office, 512-266-2455, 9:00 AM - 4:00 PM, Monday through Thursday, or here.
All members are encouraged to become confirmed in the Episcopal Church. Confirmation is a mature commitment to become an active church member, including pledging your time, talent, and treasure. The sacrament of Confirmation is a special service in which you reaffirm your baptismal vows and receive the “laying on of hands” by a Bishop. Preparation for the Sacrament of Confirmation is through participation in our confirmation class, which is held a week or two before the next visit of one of our Bishops. Adults attend a one-day Confirmation class before being confirmed.
Your Confirmation in the Episcopal Church is documented either through a letter of transfer from another Episcopal Church where you were confirmed, or through participation in the Confirmation service here at St. Luke’s on the Lake when one of our Bishops visits.
Confirmed members of the Roman Catholic Church are received into the Episcopal Church by the Bishop.
Confirmed Episcopalians who reaffirm their confirmation vows during the service here at St. Luke’s on the Lake should also have their letter of transfer sent here from their previous parish.
Newly confirmed Episcopalians are strongly encouraged to regularly attend Christian Education classes, held Sundays from 9:00 AM to 10:00 AM during the school year. We also strongly encourage you to join a connection group and over time, one of St. Luke's ministries. If you want to serve in a leadership role or on the Vestry, the governing body of our parish, you must be a confirmed Episcopalian.