Don’t let anyone look down on you because you are young, but set an example for the believers in speech, in conduct, in love, in faith and in purity. 1 Timothy 4:12
So often, we forget that Jesus called not the old and learned, but instead he called the young, the ready, and the willing to learn. Jesus called those that were considered clean and unclean by the church.
He called fishermen and tax collectors. He called non-believers and prostitutes. He ate with the afflicted and sought out those who were not God’s chosen people.
We who say we are His, we who say we want to follow him, it is we who are called to challenge authority and seek justice for both ourselves and others in the face of discrimination and wrongdoing.
We should not only be looking to the younger generations as they raise themselves in love and acceptance, but we should trust that God leads them in the way they are meant to go. We who are older should not seek to enforce our own beliefs upon the young, but instead see how God is leading them to share His love in the coming years and see how we can learn from them.
Too often it is only the elders that are looked to for learning and advice, and we fail to see that God is doing amazing things through those that are considered immature or young. We fail to see God’s movement within those that society may deem too young. But we must remember that while the young generation may learn from the old, the old can too learn from the young, for we know not where the Lord may choose to teach us, nor who He chooses to work through.
In this advent season, we must remember that the Lord came to the earth as a child, not only to live as a human, but also as a reminder that in every shape, and in every age, and in every background, the Lord is doing amazing things if only we set aside our pride and look to see where he is truly at work. Sarah-Nelle Lavallee #generations #adventword