
Be ready with a meal or a bed when it’s needed. Why, some have extended hospitality to angels without ever knowing it! Hebrews 13:2 

The longer I am at St. Luke’s, the more I believe in the importance of feeding. The double meaning of “feed my sheep” is not lost on me, but I’m referring to physical nourishment. St. Luke’s history is rich with feeding: potlucks, food drives, coffee hours, prison ministry cookie bakes, barbeques, senior luncheons, Agape meals, parties, shut-in meals, Potluck Eucharist, and so on. We are a feeding church!

Sharing food or a meal helps us connect with each other, especially those who are new, or that we don’t know as well. It gives us a common purpose, something to do with our hands, instant conversation topics. Food brings us together, bonds us socially, builds trust. This plugging-in through food also helps us talk about our spiritual beliefs and experiences. Slowly, over time our circle widens, friendships deepen, and our community grows.

Some of my favorite stories about folks joining our St. Luke’s community involve food: attending one of our outdoor events like Luketoberfest or eating dinner in the Parish Hall because they can’t return to their neighborhood due to a fire. Or getting a free donut or breakfast taco before Sunday School! Barbara Frazell, #feed #adventword

Barbara Frazell