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Groups & Classes
9am Forum | Screwtape: Vice & Virtue
Join us each week as we explore the vices and virtues revealed in Lewis’ characteristic satirical style. Content for these classes will be sufficiently independent of the letters, so that those who have not read, may still participate fully.
March 9, 16, 23, 30, April 6 | Sundays, 9-10am | Led by The Rev. Anthony Suggs-Perea and The Rev. Kathy Rock Pfister
Book Studies | The Screwtape Letters
The study course from the C.S. Lewis Institute provides a helpful guide to studying The Screwtape Letters for more in-depth exploration and juicy conversation.
Wednesday Evening Co-ed Study led by Paul Solon via Zoom, 7 PM, March 12, 19, 26, April 2, 9.
Thursday Evening Co-ed Study led by The Rev. Anthony Suggs-Perea via Zoom, 7 PM, March 13, 20, 27, April 3, 10
Personal Exploration
C.S. Lewis and the Delightful, Diabolical Daring of Lent - A week by week devotional that provides scripture readings, reflections, journal prompts, and thought provoking questions. Available in the narthex and electronically for iphone and ipad.
Read, Listen or Watch The Screwtape Letters - go HERE for suggested resources.
Alternative Lenten Opportunities
Monday Men’s Study via Zoom, 12 Noon - Walking with Jesus: Study of the days leading up to and beyond the Cross, starting March 10.
Monday Women’s Study via Zoom, 12 Noon - Continuing with Unglued: Making Wise Choices in the Midst of Raw Emotions
Being With via Zoom, Wednesdays, 12:30pm-2pm, starting March 12: Explore your faith and connect with others in "Being With," a structured weekly gathering led by Rev Kathy and Micah Parker. Each session offers "wonderings" and teachings to help you delve deeper into your own story, the story of others and to deepen your connection to God's grand narrative. This is a 10 week small group experience and space in limited.