Confirmation at St. Luke's On The Lake
If you wish to be confirmed, reaffirmed, received, or to request the transfer of your letter here from another parish,
please contact the church office, 512-266-2455, 9:00 AM - 4:00 PM, Monday through Thursday, or here.
All members are encouraged to become confirmed in the Episcopal Church. Confirmation is a mature commitment to become an active church member, including pledging your time, talent, and treasure. The sacrament of Confirmation is a special service in which you reaffirm your baptismal vows and receive the “laying on of hands” by a Bishop. Preparation for the Sacrament of Confirmation is through participation in our confirmation class, which is held a week or two before the next visit of one of our Bishops. Adults attend a one-day Confirmation class before being confirmed.
Your Confirmation in the Episcopal Church is documented either through a letter of transfer from another Episcopal Church where you were confirmed, or through participation in the Confirmation service here at St. Luke’s on the Lake when one of our Bishops visits.
Confirmed members of the Roman Catholic Church are received into the Episcopal Church by the Bishop.
Confirmed Episcopalians who reaffirm their confirmation vows during the service here at St. Luke’s on the Lake should also have their letter of transfer sent here from their previous parish.
Newly confirmed Episcopalians are strongly encouraged to regularly attend Christian Education classes, held Sundays from 9:00 AM to 10:00 AM during the school year. We also strongly encourage you to join a connection group and over time, one of St. Luke's ministries. If you want to serve in a leadership role or on the Vestry, the governing body of our parish, you must be a confirmed Episcopalian.